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Do you need help? Maybe because your application was not accepted? We have some tips that can help improve your application and maybe even one day be staff!

Application tips: Welcome


💬 #1: Be Honest

It's more obvious than you may think for us to tell when someone is being dishonest, which is the quickest way to get denied. Being honest is one of the best pieces advice we can give, especially as it helps us get to know you faster.

#2: Understand the Staff Team Before Applying

We often get applicants who aren't fully informed on how the staff team works, or how the application process is handled.

📝 #3: Quantity is not Quality

You may be asked to provide more detail in your application, but this does not mean 'write more'. Some applicants may write several hundred words and fail to include the details or information we may be looking for. Try to make your answers count, and read through any response you receive carefully. If you apply and are unsuccessful, we will provide valuable feedback that you can use to improve your application next time.

#4: Spend Time on Your Application

The first things we learn about you will come from your application, and a rushed answer is never a good answer. We recommend starting your application in a separate document so that you can spend a few days to a week reviewing it before applying. Make sure you put some time and care into your answers and reflect carefully on them before submitting anything. When you are ready, you can paste your pre-prepared answers into the application.

🥰 #5: Tell Us About Yourself

Your application is a great place to tell us about yourself and why you would make a good Helper. Don't be afraid to go in-depth about your experiences and motivations, so that we can get to know them as well! Remember, we are meeting you for the first time through your application, so we want to learn as much as possible. Short statements like "I had this role and this is what I did" or "yes" and "no" answers are not helpful to us.

Look for areas of your application where you can show more of your personality and what you have learned from past experiences. You should also try to relate it to the Helper role so that you can tell us why your statements will make you a better Helper. This shows us that you understand the role and lets us know what sort of knowledge or experience you could bring to the team.


#6: Keep Learning

Getting denied doesn't feel great, but it is necessary to grow as a person. If your application is denied, you will receive feedback designed to help you improve if you decide to try again. Denials usually just mean that we want to see a little more from you in a particular area - Strive to learn from the feedback given, as that's what we are trying to encourage in our response.

Going above and beyond our feedback is an excellent way to get our attention if you apply again. It shows us that you are open to receiving constructive criticism and can continue to grow if you are accepted as STAFF.

Application tips: Text
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